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Buy GP NPP 100(Durabolin, NPP) | Geneza Pharmaceuticals |


GP NPP 100 (Durabolin) is a popular steroid supplement used for muscle growth and strength gains. Get the best results with this powerful supplement from Geneza Pharmaceuticals.

GP NPP 100 (Durabolin): A Complete Guide


GP NPP 100 (Durabolin) is a popular steroid supplement used for muscle growth and strength gains. It is manufactured by Geneza Pharmaceuticals and contains the active ingredient Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.

Active Ingredients

The active ingredient in GP NPP 100 is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, which is a fast-acting form of Nandrolone. It is an anabolic steroid that is commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders to improve muscle growth and strength gains. Nandrolone works by increasing protein synthesis, which helps to build muscle mass and improve overall strength and performance.

Why People Use GP NPP 100

GP NPP 100 is used by bodybuilders and athletes who want to increase muscle mass and strength. It is often used during bulking cycles, as it can help to promote rapid muscle growth. GP NPP 100 is also used during cutting cycles to help maintain muscle mass while losing body fat.

Pros and Cons of GP NPP 100


  • Promotes rapid muscle growth
  • Improves strength and performance
  • Can be used during bulking or cutting cycles
  • Fast-acting
  • Effective for joint pain relief


  • Possible side effects such as acne, hair loss, and gynecomastia
  • Requires frequent injections
  • May cause liver damage
  • Can suppress natural testosterone production

Typical Course of Use (Cycle)

The typical cycle for GP NPP 100 is 8-12 weeks. It is typically used in conjunction with other steroids, such as Testosterone or Dianabol, for maximum results. The dosage for GP NPP 100 typically ranges from 100-300mg per week. Due to its fast-acting nature, it is recommended to inject GP NPP 100 every other day.

Prices and Buying

The price of GP NPP 100 can vary depending on the source and location. It is important to purchase GP NPP 100 from a reputable supplier to ensure the quality and authenticity of the product. It is also important to research the laws in your country regarding the purchase and use of steroid supplements.

Possible Side Effects

Like all steroid supplements, GP NPP 100 has potential side effects. Some of the most common side effects include acne, hair loss, and gynecomastia. It may also cause liver damage and suppress natural testosterone production. It is important to use GP NPP 100 responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid any adverse effects.


Q: What is GP NPP 100?

A: GP NPP 100 is a steroid supplement manufactured by Geneza Pharmaceuticals. It contains the active ingredient Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.

Q: Why do people use GP NPP 100?

A: GP NPP 100 is used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase muscle mass and strength.

Q: What are the possible side effects of GP NPP 100?

A: The possible side effects of GP NPP 100 include acne, hair loss, gynecomastia, liver damage, and suppression of natural testosterone production.

Q: What is the typical dosage for GP NPP 100?

A: The typical dosage for GP NPP 100 ranges from 100-300mg per week, and it is recommended to inject every other day due to its fast-acting nature.

Q: How long should a cycle of GP NPP 100 last?

A: The typical cycle for GP NPP 100 lasts 8-12 weeks.

Q: Where can I purchase GP NPP 100?

A: GP NPP 100 can be purchased from reputable suppliers online or in-person, but it is important to research the laws in your country regarding the purchase and use of steroid supplements.

Q: Can women use GP NPP 100?

A: While some women may use GP NPP 100, it is generally not recommended due to the risk of virilization, or the development of male characteristics.


GP NPP 100 is a popular steroid supplement used for muscle growth and strength gains. It contains the active ingredient Nandrolone Phenylpropionate and is manufactured by Geneza Pharmaceuticals. While it can offer significant benefits for bodybuilders and athletes, it is important to use GP NPP 100 responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid any potential side effects.

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