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Buy GP Andromix 150(Cut Mix) | Geneza Pharmaceuticals | Injectable Steroids


GP Andromix 150 is a powerful steroid blend used for bulking and cutting cycles. Get fast results with this efficient formula. Buy now!

GP Andromix 150 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals: An Overview

GP Andromix 150 is a popular steroid blend manufactured by Geneza Pharmaceuticals. It consists of three powerful steroids - Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, and Drostanolone Propionate.

Active Ingredients in GP Andromix 150

  • Testosterone Propionate - a fast-acting ester of testosterone that helps in the development of muscle mass, strength, and endurance.
  • Trenbolone Acetate - a potent anabolic steroid that promotes muscle growth, fat loss, and enhances overall athletic performance.
  • Drostanolone Propionate - a popular steroid used for cutting cycles due to its ability to reduce body fat while preserving lean muscle tissue.

Why Do People Use GP Andromix 150?

GP Andromix 150 is primarily used by bodybuilders and athletes to gain muscle mass, strength, and improve overall performance. It is also used during cutting cycles to reduce body fat and maintain lean muscle mass.

Pros and Cons of GP Andromix 150


  • Fast-acting formula for quick results
  • Potent blend of three steroids
  • Effective for both bulking and cutting cycles


  • Potential for side effects
  • Requires post-cycle therapy (PCT)
  • Illegal without a prescription

Typical Course of Use (Cycle)

The typical cycle for GP Andromix 150 is 6-8 weeks, with dosages ranging from 150-300mg per week. Advanced users may increase the dosage up to 450mg per week, but this also increases the risk of side effects.

Prices and Buying

GP Andromix 150 is available for purchase from various online sources. The price ranges from $70 to $100 per 10ml vial.

Possible Side Effects

Like all steroids, GP Andromix 150 can cause a range of side effects, including:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Increased aggression
  • High blood pressure
  • Gynecomastia (male breast development)


Is GP Andromix 150 legal?

GP Andromix 150 is only legal with a prescription. It is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States.

What is post-cycle therapy (PCT)?

PCT is a period of time after completing a steroid cycle where users take additional medications to help their body recover and prevent side effects.

Can women use GP Andromix 150?

No, GP Andromix 150 is not recommended for women due to its strong androgenic effects.

Is GP Andromix 150 safe?

Like all steroids, GP Andromix 150 has potential side effects. It is important to use it responsibly, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and to monitor for any adverse reactions.

Can GP Andromix 150 be stacked with other steroids?

Yes, GP Andromix 150 can be stacked with other steroids depending on the desired goals and individual tolerance. However, stacking multiple steroids also increases the risk of side effects.

How long does GP Andromix 150 stay in your system?

The half-life of GP Andromix 150 varies depending on the individual steroid components. Testosterone Propionate has a half-life of 2-3 days, Trenbolone Acetate has a half-life of 2-3 days, and Drostanolone Propionate has a half-life of 2-3 days. However, the full clearance time from the body can take several weeks to a few months.

Can GP Andromix 150 be used for weight loss?

GP Andromix 150 can help with weight loss by reducing body fat and preserving lean muscle tissue. However, it should not be used solely for weight loss purposes and should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


GP Andromix 150 is a potent steroid blend that can help bodybuilders and athletes achieve their desired physique and performance goals. However, it also comes with potential risks and side effects that should be carefully considered before use. It is important to use it responsibly, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, and to monitor for any adverse reactions.

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