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Buy Femistra 1 mg(Arimidex) | Zydus Cadila | Antiestrogens


Femistra 1 mg is a medication used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It contains the active ingredient anastrozole, which works by reducing the amount of estrogen produced in the body.

Femistra 1 mg by Zydus Cadila: Active Ingredients, Pros and Cons, Cycle, Prices, and Side Effects

Femistra 1 mg by Zydus Cadila is a medication used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It contains the active ingredient anastrozole, which works by reducing the amount of estrogen produced in the body. In this article, we'll explore the active ingredients in Femistra 1 mg, why people use it, the pros and cons of the medication, a typical course of uses, prices and buying options, possible side effects, and frequently asked questions.

Active Ingredients in Femistra 1 mg

The active ingredient in Femistra 1 mg is anastrozole, which belongs to a class of medications called aromatase inhibitors. Anastrozole works by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens (hormones produced by the adrenal gland) into estrogens (hormones produced by the ovaries).

Why People Use Femistra 1 mg

Femistra 1 mg is primarily used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is used to reduce the risk of the cancer recurring after surgery or other treatments. In some cases, it may also be used to shrink a tumor before surgery.

Pros and Cons of Femistra 1 mg


  • Effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer recurrence
  • May be used to shrink tumors before surgery
  • May cause fewer side effects compared to other medications


  • May cause bone loss or osteoporosis
  • May cause hot flashes, fatigue, and other side effects
  • Not suitable for premenopausal women

Typical Course of Uses (Cycle)

The typical course of Femistra 1 mg depends on the individual's medical condition and treatment plan. In general, the medication is taken once daily for five years or until the cancer recurs.

Prices and Buying

The price of Femistra 1 mg can vary depending on the location and supplier. In general, it is available by prescription only and may be covered by health insurance. It is important to talk to a doctor or pharmacist before purchasing and taking Femistra 1 mg.

Possible Side Effects

Like all medications, Femistra 1 mg may cause side effects. The most common side effects include hot flashes, fatigue, joint pain, and headaches. It may also cause bone loss or osteoporosis, which can increase the risk of fractures. Rare but serious side effects may include allergic reactions, liver problems, and changes in vision or mood. It is important to talk to a doctor or pharmacist about the potential side effects of Femistra 1 mg.

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